The Extraordinary League

Back2Basics - Week 5: 40 min w/o Drills Run/Walk (Stardust Starters)

Season 14 Episode 15

Hey, rockstar, you are going to crush this workout! However, I want to hear from you. So send me a text and let me know how it went!

Join our Stardust Starters run/walk workout! This week’s session focuses on safety while maintaining our workout routine. You'll get a comprehensive session including a warm-up, intervals, and a cooldown, along with a recap of information from Weeks 1-4.

Workout Structure:

  • Dynamic Stretches (Video in FS)
  • 5-minute walk warm-up
  • 25 minutes of 30/30 intervals
  • 5-minute walk cooldown
  • Static Stretches (Video in FS)

Safety Highlights:

  • Proper Warm-Up and Cool-Down: Understand the importance of preparing your body for exercise and aiding recovery.
  • Hydration and Nutrition: Ensure your body is fueled and hydrated for optimal performance.
  • Correct Form and Technique: Avoid injuries by using proper form in all exercises.
  • Listening to Your Body: Recognize signs of overtraining and know when to rest.
  • Safe Environment: Choose a safe running/walking path to avoid hazards.

Join us to learn how to stay safe and injury-free while achieving your fitness goals!

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