The Extraordinary League

Back2Basics - Week 4: Spice is Nice Long Run (Intergalactic Intermediate)

Season 14 Episode 13

Hey, rockstar, you are going to crush this workout! However, I want to hear from you. So send me a text and let me know how it went!

Hey Intergalactic Intermediates! Today we're diving into our 'Spice is Nice' long run. Get ready for some fun surprises and pace changes to keep things interesting and challenge you in new ways. Embrace the adventure, enjoy the journey, and let's make this long run out of this world. You're going to crush it!

Dynamic stretches (video in FS)
5:00 minute walk

10 minutes Easy Pace
7.5 minutes Lower Tempo
5 minutes Higher Tempo

Strides x 5

10 minutes Easy Pace
7.5 minutes Lower Tempo
5 minutes Higher Tempo

5:00 walk
Static Stretches (video in FS)

In this session, we will cover a range of strength training styles and their benefits:

  • Bodyweight Training: Enhancing endurance, balance, and core strength.
  • Resistance Bands: Improving joint stability, muscle strength, and flexibility.
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Boosting metabolism, cardiovascular fitness, and calorie burn, generally with lower weights, i.e. Body Pump classes.
  • Functional Fitness: Building overall strength, coordination, and balance for daily activities.
  • Hypertrophy Training: Increasing muscle size and metabolic rate.
  • Strongman Training: Developing raw strength and power using unconventional objects.
  • Powerlifting: Maximizing strength and power through heavy lifting.
  • Metabolic Conditioning (MetCon): Enhancing metabolic efficiency and cardiovascular endurance.
  • Strength Training for Runners: Focusing on lower body strength, core stability, and plyometrics.
  • Strength Training for Women: A balanced approach including resistance training, functional fitness, and bodyweight exercises for muscle tone, bone health, and metabolic boost.

Join us to learn how each of these styles can benefit your fitness journey and help you achieve your goals!

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