The Extraordinary League

Back2Basics - BOLT Score (All Levels)

Christine Hetzel & Shelby Schmidt Season 14

Hey, rockstar, you are going to crush this workout! However, I want to hear from you. So send me a text and let me know how it went!

Welcome to Week 2 of our Back2Basics program! In this audio we're focusing on the BOLT score test to understand your functional breathing patterns and how well your body tolerates carbon dioxide. This is an important part of improving your running efficiency and endurance.

What You Need:

  • A quiet place where you won't be interrupted
  • A comfortable seat
  • A timer


  1. Sit down and relax, ensuring you are breathing normally.
  2. Take a normal breath in through your nose and then exhale gently through your nose.
  3. After you exhale, gently pinch your nose closed with your fingers.
  4. Start counting the seconds or use a timer. Hold your breath until you feel the first definite desire to breathe, or if you experience the first involuntary movements of your breathing muscles.
  5. When you feel the strong urge to breathe, release your nose and resume breathing normally through your nose.
  6. Note the number of seconds you held your breath. This is your BOLT score.

BOLT Score Meanings:

  • Below 10 seconds: Significant breathing issues
  • 10-20 seconds: Room for improvement
  • 20-30 seconds: Functional breathing patterns with room for optimization
  • 30-40 seconds: Great breathing efficiency
  • Above 40 seconds: Excellent breathing efficiency

Regular practice of this test and working on improving your score can enhance your breathing efficiency, endurance, and overall health. Incorporate exercises like nasal breathing and diaphragmatic breathing into your routine. Keep practicing, and have a wonderful day!

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