The Extraordinary League

Back2Basics - Week 1: 35 minute w/o Drills (Stardust Starters)

Christine Hetzel & Shelby Schmidt Season 14 Episode 2

Hey, rockstar, you are going to crush this workout! However, I want to hear from you. So send me a text and let me know how it went!

Welcome to the inaugural session of our Back2Basics 6-week program, Stardust Starters! Today, we're diving into a 35-minute run-walk workout designed to focus on your running form, posture, and understanding of essential gear across all seasons.

Workout Details:

  • Warm-Up: Begin with a 5-minute brisk walk to loosen up your muscles and prepare your body for the run. Use this time to focus on your posture—keep your head high, shoulders relaxed, and back straight.
  • Main Workout: Alternate between 3 minutes of jogging and 2 minutes of walking. During the jogging intervals, concentrate on maintaining a steady, comfortable pace while practicing proper running form:
    • Posture: Imagine a string pulling you up from the crown of your head.
    • Arms: Keep your elbows at 90 degrees, swinging from the shoulders.
    • Foot Strike: Aim to land softly on the mid-foot under your hip.
  • Cool-Down: Finish with a 5-minute walk to gradually bring your heart rate down. Reflect on how your body felt during the workout, paying special attention to any areas of discomfort or tension.

Static Stretches: After cooling down, perform static stretches to help relax your muscles. Focus on stretches that target your calves, quads, hamstrings, and lower back.

Gear Tips for All Seasons:

  • Spring: Layer with moisture-wicking fabrics to stay dry and comfortable.
  • Summer: Opt for breathable, light-colored clothing to keep cool and protect against the sun.
  • Autumn: Add a light jacket or vest that can be removed as you warm up.
  • Winter: Wear insulated, windproof layers to protect against the cold and maintain body heat.

Tips for Today's Workout:

  • Focus on Form: This isn't about speed. Use today to really focus on running efficiently.
  • Mind Your Gear: Notice how different items of clothing and types of footwear affect your comfort and performance.
  • Stay Hydrated: Regardless of the season, keeping hydrated is crucial.

Final Thoughts:
Thank you for kicking off this exciting journey with us! Embrace each step, enjoy your progress, and remember—we're here to support you every step of the way. Let's make this first workout memorable, and set the stage for a transformative 6 weeks!

Let’s hit the ground running—your path to better running starts now!

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